Highlights from “Northern Woodlands” Magazine

Drawing by Adelaide Tyrol for Northern Woodlands Magazine, March 18, 2018.






On two recent occasions, I was interviewed by Joe Rankin for two articles on stone walls for Northeast Woodlands magazine.  The first was about the creatures inhabiting stone walls.   The second was a Q&A on curious facts about stone walls. Below are a few key illustrations with detailed captions. I found both articles very interesting and nicely done.  The links are embedded in the descriptions above.

Below are two photos with captions that I sent (and they edited) for the second article. I share them here because they show a  remarkable contrast between two of New England’s “wild walls” (not mason-built or maintained), and help illustrate how the precise technical (but not esoteric) language of my classification (Exploring Stone Walls, Walker, 2005) can help us understand the phenomenon more richly.

“Robert Thorson’s teaching wall in Storrs, Connecticut. This is the archetype wall for the crystalline metamorphic terrain of southern New England: a classic farmstead wall consisting of a single, un-coursed tier of stacked two-handers.” 
“This remnant of single wall construction in Lyme, New Hampshire, shows a variety of features: Shapes are blocks, slabs, and pillows; sizes are mainly two-handers, with one one-hander; order is stacked, rather than laid or tossed; structure is a single-tiered, un-coursed wall one-on-two-and-two-on-one, with one error; lithology is mainly granite and gneiss.”