We are losers every time a wall is stolen, or strip-mined, rebuilt in non-traditional style, or damaged unnecessarily. We are winners every time a landowner decides to do the right thing, or when a town passes an ordinances to balance the rights of the community and the rights of private property. Below is a sample of case histories. Many of the links have since been broken by the owners.
- I’ll take my half – Problems with your neighbor.
- Why not sell your wall on Craig’s List?
- Direct Solicitation – What do do when you are propositioned?
- Outright Theft – Stone Rustling land’s Mr. Hoffa in court.
- New Hampshire’s Eagle Tribune reports good news.
- Boston Globe reports Stone Wall Raiders
- Boston Globe is Sounding the Alarm
- Providence Sunday Journal writes a feature story titled Momentum Builds for Preservation of Stone Walls
- Bad News from the Berkshires
- Good news from New Hampshire
- In Windham, NH – NH Windham story from Eagle Tribune.
- NPR Morning Edition – Audio Story March 19, 2009.