
SWI2-Ph ShermanPostWall
How do the the minerals, plants, and animals influence this scene?

Stone walls can be approached from any of the classic fields of science.  For an activity, you might take a group of students to a wall and ask them these questions:

  • Physics:  Why do walls stand up so quietly? Answer: Force balance, friction, and mass.
  • Chemistry:  Why do the stones of walls look different on weathered surfaces? Answer: dissolution from naturally acid rain and organic contributions, particularly microbial films.
  • Ecology:  What lives in stone walls? Answer: chipmunks, amphibians, snakes and some say “trolls.” The plants are very different too.
  • Geology:  Where did the stones come from? Answer: glaciation and ancient mountain building.

If this is an indoor activity, use one of the photos on this website.

How many specific habitats can you see? Answer: five: stone, grass, field, pavement, woodland.  

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