In 2005 the SWI completed a two-year project funded by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. 0331163) to create a teacher-written curriculum for public schools spanning grades K-8, but emphasizing grades 3-4. This curriculum is based on Stone Wall Secrets.
Link to:
- Teacher-designed curriculum – Stone Wall Secrets
- Design Team – Stone Wall Secrets
- Curriculum Project – National Science Foundation
Associated with this curriculum (though not part of it) are three additional resources:
- Annotated Stone Wall Secrets: A Teacher’s Reference. This is a one-stop enclopedia of background knowledge linked to the text of Stone Wall Secrets.
- Teaching Kit: These contain specimens of the stones encountered by the story’s protagonist, Adam, as well as other materials, notably a fictional letter and a photo of the author as a child sitting on a stone wall. Twenty of these are circulating in the schools throughout southern New England, though I have lost track of them.
- Teachers Guide. This is authored by geology-educator Ruth Dieke, and sold separately by Tilburyhouse Publishers in Gardiner, ME.