Beyond Stone Walls: Towards a K-8 Curriculum — was funded by at two-year grant from the the National Science Foundation’s Directorate of Geoscience to the University of Connecticut from July 1, 2003 to June 31, 2005 (Award EAR 0331163). The principal investigator was Dr. Robert M. Thorson, Professor of Geology. Co-principal investigators were Drs. David Moss and Wendy Glenn of the Neag School of Education.
The principal activities that took place were
- Summer 2003 – Planning Workshops and Brainstorming
- Academic Year 2003-2004 – Initial classroom experimentation. Resource Gathering
- Summer 2004 – Planning and curriculum development
- Academic Year 2004-2005 – Teacher’s kit development, anecdotal research on curriculum implemenetation, synthesis, website development.
- Summer/Fall 2005 – Presentation of results at various workshops, followed by NSTA (National Science Teacher’s Association) regional meeting, October, 2005.
Coincident with funding of this project, the University of Connecticut (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Neag School of Education) received major funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York to help train teachers for the years ahead. This project will continue under the auspices of the TNE (Teachers for a New Era) project at UConn.

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